FSC is partnering with Program of Action for Sustainable Development (PADS) in developing a documentary aimed at promoting equality and justice for women and girls in villages of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The film will include interviews with women and girls who have broken free from cultural behaviors that impose limits on their development. The documentary will be used to encourage dialogue among local communities about treatment of women and girls. These community conversations aim to influence policy makers to address systemic inequality through systemic a change approach.

Cultural behaviors, mostly in villages, are leading to complex forms of discrimination against women and girls that lead to limited accessibility to decent jobs, biased perception of women career choices, stereotypes around girls' choice in education, parent preference for boys than girls in treatment and investment in education, low women's participation in country governance, etc. etc. 

A pilot project in villages on the west coast of Lake Edward in Kivu province will bring together community members to watch the film and then engage in a facilitated conversation about systemic approaches toward seeking equality and justice for women and girls.  The documentary and accompanying dialogue will also focus on empowerment and the need for the next generation of girls to become agents of change and crucial actors in socio-economic development of their villages and beyond. 


Program of Action for Sustainable Development